Thursday, March 22, 2018

Snow Day and Assignment #4: Air

I missed you all these last several weeks!  In order make up as least some of our lost time together we will push Final Critique back a week to May 9. Next week when we finally see each other again we will critique the "rock" project, and I will verbally introduce the Air project below.  But just in case you are interested in starting the think about it, here it is:

Due April 18

Okay, I realize that "air" is a very vague word.  Maybe "atmosphere" would be a better one.  But I like the reference to the traditional elements--Earth, wind, fire, water.  Okay, it's not "wind," that using that seems too affected . . .
Anyway, "air" refers to all all things meteorological.  Clouds, fog, hurricanes, tornadoes, even heat shimmer.  These events typically happen in a landscape (but not always), so including elements of the landscape are just fine, as long as the emphasis of the painting is on the atmosphere. Other than that, interpret "air" in any way you feel you can defend.
Good luck!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Student Show Prospectus!

Hi All, I missed you this week!
Here is a link to where you can download the student show prospectus.  The due date is the week after spring break--the storm was unfortunately timed!